With a new baby to care for, at the end of the day I often find myself glancing around the chaos in my home, running through the never-ending mental ‘to-do’ list, and lamenting that ‘I got nothing done today’.
It’s so easy to get pulled into the trap of believing we need to do more in order to have more and to be more. My perceptions of success and self-worth are tied to my productivity. But what if I asked questions to determine the value of my day that were better than ‘what did I get done?’? Questions that were more aligned with my values and what really matters to me right now.
How deeply did I love and allow myself to be loved today?
Did I express love and appreciation for people I care about?
Who did I connect with? Did I form new connections or strengthen old ones?
What opportunities will I have to do this better tomorrow?
Loving your posts since Linc arrived Clare. Your haikus are so representative of the newborn experience!!! On this post – I don’t think it’s just the measure of a day. I think it’s the measure of a life. Do we measure our time by how many widgets we made? Or by the interactions with the people we connected with, impacted, and were impacted by…. those moments of meaning and connection can be fleeting, but in my view they’re the bits that matter most – they’re what lives are built on, because they’re what form the basis of meaningful relationships with the people we love. I wish I was a lot better at remembering that in the day to day moments….thanks for the reminder. ♥️
Absolutely! I love that Annie Dillard quote – ‘How we spend our days is of course how we spend our lives.’
Thank you as always for taking the time to read (and comment on) my rambling! x