Rough reflections and notesĀ from this week (trying to keep these posts regular rather than beautiful!)…
- I finished listening to the audiobook of The Rosie Project which was delightful and the first fiction book I’ve read in years. I borrowed it from the library via the BorrowBox app which is fantastic and allows you to borrow e-books and audiobooks directly to your phone for free. If you’re looking for new reading or listening material I highly recommend checking out whether your public library supports it.
Habit tracking 18/7-24/7 It was the final class of the September 2015 intake of the She Leads Diploma. It was actually quite emotional to realise I won’t be seeing this group of women monthly anymore. It’s such a wonderful part of my job to get to know 18 amazing women and a real privilege to facilitate an experience of learning and deep reflection. Shameless plug – if you’re interested the Diploma, we’re enrolling now for the next intake commencing August 31.
- I’m still making my way through Man’s Search for Meaning.
- It’s always a delight to see a new Chat 10 Looks 3 episode in my Overcast playlist. Such a celebration of smart, funny female friendship that always makes me smile.
- It was a shocking week in terms of habits (see pic). I’m somewhat embarrassed to put this here. Thinking about why I don’t do these things when I know how good they are for me. Am I just giving in to the ‘too busy’ BS, do I have some kind of self-sabotage going on?
- Tony Schwartz’s Manage Your Energy Not Your Time is one of my favourite HBR pieces. I was surprised this week to discover the same Tony Schwartz authored Donald Trump’s 1987 autobiography, The Art of the Deal, a book which Schwartz now describes as ‘putting lipstick on a pig’.
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