This morning I held these beads in my hand, reflected on our time together, silently thanked them, and placed them gently in the bin.
I bought these beads at a night market in Broome on our first visit there in 2009. I loved them and wore them so much. They went with everything, were a bit different without being too ‘out there’, and I loved their wooden, natural feel and that they connected me to a time and place that I had such fond memories of. Pretty much everyone I know would have seen me wearing these beads at some point over the last 5 years!
But for the last few months, these beads have been sitting on my bedside table. Unworn and in need of repair. The clasp is broken and my clumsy attempts to reattach it were only short lived. The leather is worn and has broken in several spots – necessitating the addition of several knots to hold it together. [Read more…]